I’m looking forward to this coming Tuesday night as the New York Mets invade Kaufmann Stadium to take on the defending American League Champion Kansas City Royals.
Why? Well, it will be my 24th World Series while working as a professional sports photographer, having covered the Fall Classic for The Sporting News, Sport Magazine, Major League Baseball and in 2005, my beloved Chicago White Sox.
For fun, I pulled some of my favorite moments/images to share. The older I get, the more fun I get out of looking back in time. Hope you enjoy the ride!
In no particular order…

Toronto would have been fun… I fondly recall a certain moment in October of 1993.

I most certainly will never forget the afternoon of October 17, 1989 when at 5:04pm, while eating an ice cream cone and watching the Giants starting pitcher head toward the bullpen, I first heard, then moments later, felt what I can only describe as trying to maintain balance on a row boat as a a larger boat’s wake rocked the row boat uncontrollably, the earthquake that rocked the Bay Area. My thought at the time was “Now? Not NOW! The World Series is about to start”! Yep.. Now…

Speaking of earth shaking moments, Dan Gladden and Greg Olson got together at the Metrodome in 1991. With the new rules now in place, I wonder if moments like this are a thing of the past…

The 1991 World Series was one of THE BEST I’ve covered. A great Series for sure, and a Series when the world got introduced to one Kirby Puckett.

The 2000 Mets/Yankees “Subway Series” had it’s share of drama. Mike Piazza and Roger Clemens had their moment during game 2. I remember being aware of the “rift” between the two, and was able to capture both participants by anticipating the volatility that might indeed combust. Chalk one up to being prepared…

My autofocus feature on my camera went kaput while using my 70-200 lens during the 2002 World Series, so I had to revert to using good old fashioned manual focusing if I wanted to use that lens. In Anaheim, the 70-200 was a “must have”, so I psyched myself up to “get er’ done and go back to the basics. The image below was one of the cooler end of game “jube” shots I’ve made at a World Series. Manual focus, too! Hah!

End of game jube is such a crap shoot.. More often than not, it’s usually just a pile of athletes jumping up and down. In other words, nothing memorable. Here are a few “jubos” that stand out from the 23 World Series I’ve been fortunate enough to cover.

One of THE BEST EVER… this image of the Yankees winning the World Series in 2009. It has everything! Particularly, the ever elusive face(s)! Arod’s first World Series too. This image worked.

The 2003 World Series had it’s moments too… Perhaps a bit unconventional and unexpected, but interesting nonetheless.

A few more memories follow…

Making the photo below of the first pitch of the 2005 World Series was my most important and personal image I’ve made in my career as I was able to realize a life long dream of making this picture of my favorite team since childhood, the Chicago White Sox, at home, in the World Series! I was incredibly nervous making this image.. there wouldn’t be a “second” first pitch. I was in tunnel vision as Jose Contreras let it go. Then I heard the crowd roar. Strike one.

The 2001 World Series was memorable in many ways. While taking the photo below, I had a plainclothes sniper seated right behind me. Intense.

What will this year’s World Series bring? I can only hope to add to my collection of memories starting Tuesday night!